The Transformation Program
The Transformation is a book, a course, a seminar, and a map for everything that you need to know about how to support a natural life in our modern world.
If you’ve been searching for a natural way to stay well, maintain weight, and feel your absolute best then this step-by-step, 48 day plan is for you. Learn a way of living that will assist you through the best years of your life! Dr. Menzels Transformation book, seminar and course will help you create a life full of energy and vitality! It’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle.

About The Transformation
Dr. Menzel has learned the secrets of integrating balanced, natural living in a modern life. She’s spent two and a half decades perfecting these foundational principles—beginning with her recovery from both LYME and Fibromyalgia. Her programs and the Energetic Wellness Center are designed to show you how it is possible to make natural wellness a reality. It all started with The Transformation book, Dr. Menzel published in 2013 with the desire to map everything out that you need to know about how to support a natural life in our modern world. What is true nutrition? What is good food? What type of supplements do we take and how does our daily lifestyle support or hurt us? Dr. Menzel answers all of those questions and more in The Transformation. The benefits of natural wellness are achievable. They are just a few simple steps away in Dr. Menzel’s complete wellness plan through the Seven Laws of Wellness. With the guidance of these seven principles, you’ll be able to unravel from the complicated stressors of the modern American lifestyle. Support your immune system and find balance in a stressed out world.
The 7 Laws of Wellness
You will learn more about each of our 7 principles of wellness for living well in body, mind, and spirit in The Transformation book, seminar, and course.






Exercise & Oxygen

Sunshine & Outdoors

The Seminar
The Transformation Seminar was held in January 2023, and was recorded for your purchase.This online seminar allows you the freedom of starting anytime you like and learning in the comfort of your own home. How to implement the seven laws of wellness to support yourself, your children, family members, and friends. The Seminar is led by Dr. Menzel. She teaches you everything you need to know to get started with The Transformation Program.
Purchase Now! (Link to Transformation Online Seminar – The School of Naturopathy) this link will take you to our school website to purchase.
Live Annual January Seminar: $150
Online Seminar: $150 (access 3 months)
The Course
The online Transformation course is designed to assist you through lifestyle changes! Dr. Menzel has recorded over 45 hours of video content for you. It's your own tutorial for transforming your body, your kitchen, your shopping.. video content includes demos to help you choose the right nutrient dense foods, make bone broth, sprouted bread, or pick out the right broth and bread at the store and much more! Dr. Menzel created this online course especially for you, making lifestyle changes easy and maintainable!
When you don’t always know what to do, Dr. Menzel coaches you in making it simple. How to transform your kitchen and pantry, make wonderful baked goods that are healthy and learn how to fall in love with good foods that nourish and support your life!
Access to the course is available for one year from the date of purchase! Your Registration includes access to our private Transformation Facebook group.

Purchase the Seminar and Course Together!
“It would be a huge understatement to say I highly recommend The Transformation. Prior to starting it, I was 50 pounds overweight, borderline diabetic with elevated blood pressure and cholesterol. Worse still, I was not getting good sleep and felt sluggish and mentally slow on a daily basis. After the first 48 days, I was feeling so much better that I simply stayed on it. One year later, I have lost the 50 lbs, sleep great, I am off all medications, and I basically feel 25 years younger! As a physician, I now recommend this to all of my patients, and quite a few have had similar success. This program is simple and very effective and will lead to a lifestyle change that will allow you to enjoy a full and happy life. Start this immediately.”
— Dr. Doug, Edmond, OK
“Confused about how to make the transition to a nourishing traditional diet? The Transformation will take you step by step with clear and accurate explanations of how and why. Michele has made a great contribution to the literature aimed at those who want to improve their diet and lifestyle."
— Sally Fallon Morell, President, The Weston A.Price Foundation, author of Nourishing Traditions
“Thanks to Michele, I have turned my health around. Lost 35 lbs, without hunger, balanced my hormones and now I feel great! You saved my life Michele!"
“For several years, I had felt older than my age and it bothered me deeply. My lifestyle change began after starting The Transformation. I lost 70 lbs. In one year!”
"During the 48 Days, I lost weight and the compliments began to come from family and friends. ‘You just look healthy’ they told me. The program helped me to pursue a better quality of life.”
"In the year 2020, my wife, Lisa, began a study of Naturopathic Medicine under the teaching and supervision of Dr. Michelle Menzel of Edmond, Oklahoma. This alternative approach to treating disease became the silver lining to my going through the nearly two years of ill health since my body’s rebellion of September of 2017. The cure started with my wife reading the book called The Transformation (required reading for her as she began her studies in Naturopathic Medicine). Lisa and I immediately began to eat only organic food(s)..almost to NO EXCEPTION! To my great surprise, not only did I start to feel better, but I enjoyed the food (still do)! Within one month all of my previous symptoms and pain were GONE! And, they have not returned! It is now December of 2022 and we are still on an all organic diet plan. Last year my allopathic physician gave me a physical and said I no longer needed medication for high blood pressure, cholesterol, testosterone, allergy medicine. And just in the last two months, I have been able to eliminate my antidepressant medicine which I had been taking for 38 years! Oh, and let me mention. My total weight loss has been 56lbs! (I can also walk 4.5 miles per day 5-6 days per week)."
– John Pickens